Sunday, September 20, 2015

Your First Word!!

September 17th a day that shall live on in infamy. I've been waiting for eight months for this moment, for the moment that you would speak your first words. Well The wait has come to an end, you've spoken your first words, and those words are…dahdah dada!!! 

Your mother and mine are both in the kitchen, HATING!!! Lolol. Words don't even begin to have the power to explain this feeling of joy I have right now. 

A week and some days short of your 9 months and you're already spittin out words!!! MmmmmOh my God!! 

Yesterday while you were watching that God awful 'Peppa Pig' I thought you had said it. But when I asked you "Did you just say Dada?" You smiled gave me the shy laugh and didn't say anything at else after that. So then today I was holding you as you seemingly fell asleep in my arm. You being the big sleep fighter that you are. You realized that you were falling and decided that you were cocoons combat it with the word you knew that you had learned. You gazed at me and said "Dada...." And when I looked you were looking at me like "Yeah, I said it" written all over your face and you smiled. I picked you up and stood you on your feet ok my lap. I asked again "Did you just say Dada? That's what you said yesterday too right? You've been saying Dada!" You laughed and then you repeated it about 50 times! I lost my cool!!! 

Your mom was in the kitchen being domestic. I have no clue what she was doing and. Didn't care. I was too excited to. Your mom was standing over there front in like she didn't hear my DJ Zairah shout out!! Lol but she heard it tho. She was just mad that those D's weren't M's! Lol

There's nothing else to say or document. At or around 8:40-45pm on September 17th, 2015 your first word was spoken! 

I love you more than words baby!


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Your First Weekend Pt. 2

Chapter 4
When we got back to the hotel we didn't waste any time getting ready for the pool! We got downstairs we put our stuff aside and enjoyed the warmest pool I'd ever been in all to ourselves. Lol.

Mommy bought you a floaty thing so that you can enjoy the water with us. I blew it up myself and made sure it was full enough to hold you up. I can't lie floatations device or not I was still nervous as hell!! But you seemed to love the water. You laughed you smiled and you even posed for some pictures. Midway through the experience I could see you fighting your sleep(and losing I might add!). You came in and out a few times but ultimately fatigue beat you out. And now your all worn out asleep on my favorite place in the world for you to sleep, daddy's chest.

Chapter 5
We both fell asleep and by the time we were waking up, mommy was showing up with some food! I hope she waited 30 minutes after our swim. Lmao.
We picked up out stuff and went back up to our room. There was a Harry Potter marathon on and I tried to get you into it (because I love Harry Potter) but you looked at me like I was a nerd and continued to do your own thing. I couldn't believe you judged me. That night we fell asleep despite plans of going to some festival. I guess the hot sun and a pool will do that to you.

The next morning it was all about being ready for check out. Mommy and daddy packed while you tried to put anything within arms reach into your mouth. You really gotta stop that. Lol. We went down for some more bad breakfast. I had only the waffle this time.

We eventually got back on the car and we were on our road trip back to Birmingham. You became restless towards the end of the trip when we had to stop at Walmart. But I can always count on Wu Tang to calm you down. Lolol. I played "C.R.E.A.M" on my phone and put it in your stroller. "Life is good" was written all over your face. A few months ago I discovered that the song calms you down whenever baby life is getting s little too heavy for you. Lol

Listen at some point someone is gonna give me shit for playing that kind of music to my baby. (You don't say "shit") and when that day comes you will witness me having my first "Don't tell me how to raise my child moment" lol. But moving on.

We got back to your cousin Tamikias house and chilled for s few hours before dinner! I did a photo shoot for your cousin
Riley that was really fun. I got a shot of her running around in the back yard and it made me realize how much I want you to have a back yard like it. You have one but its small and it's made even smaller with grandpas grill and grandmas patio furniture. Lol. I promise one day daddy will get you a back yard big enough for you to play City(not house) in!

Dinner time came and we all came together again. I don't know who made the corn but they put their ankle in it! The rest of the food was equally delicious but I loved that corn boy!!

Chapter 6
Guess who's flight is delayed!? Lol. It's pouring here in Alabama and it seems all the flights are delayed. As much as daddy loves to not go to work he hates not getting paid. So this weather better clear the heck up. Lol

And now we're back home baby. You were a little cranky by the time the plane took off this time and you were in mummy's arms. But all in all I was so proud of how well you were on both flights. You're a trooper!

Daddy loves you baby! Can't wait for our next family adventure.