Hey baby
So last weekend was Easter. What is Easter? Well (according to the bible and Christianity) it is the story of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection after a few days. But somehow, someway, society found a way to turn it into a day of Bunnies, colorful eggs, new Jordan's and big church hats. It's just like Christmas. The bible says one thing and people turn it into something completely different. This is one of the many reasons why daddy doesn't follow religion. But that's a completely different story and we're not here for that.So back to you. Mommy of course got you all dressed up real nice with a pretty little dress and some cute shoes etc. She put on a nice sweater over a blouse or something and I of course...... I wore some blue jeans, a white T-Shirt and some 10 year old (Dirty) "Easter" Air Force 1 sneakers with a backwards hat. Mommy was livid because I wouldn't wear a button up shirt tucked into my slacks, but daddy has to do what daddy wants to do. Lol.
We didn't go to church but we did make it our business to go to Brooklyn to spend time with the family. Grandpa was there, great grandma and of course your aunts uncles and cousins made it. Lol. You were the star of the show as you always are. It was a beautiful day spent with family.
That Monday came and it was back to the usual for mommy, daddy and baby. We went to work and you went to the babysitter.
Work was work nothing to report. I was just counting down the minutes til 4pm so that I can get on the road and go pick up my baby girl.When I got to the babysitter I had the bright idea of getting your ears pierced to surprise mommy because I know it's something she wanted for you.So I came home, got the stroller out of mommies car put it in mine and we were off to Fordham road. I went into the place that was recommended to me and waited for the piercer to be done helping some cornfield level cornballs who were pretending to buy some expensive jewelry.
Anyway. One girl used a marker to mark the spot where the ear would be pierced and the lady with the piercing gun came and did her thing.
She pierced the first ear and I immediately felt like complete crap. You cried harder and louder than you had ever cried before. The last time I'd seen you cry was when you got your shots and I couldn't stand it so this was real hard for me. But I went through with it because it was something mommy wanted. You cried for about 3 minutes (although it seemed like a lot more) at the top of your lungs as I unsuccessfully tried to calm you down. I felt guilty that we had only got one ear done so I had considered coming back the next day for the next one. I mean it wouldn't be the end of the world for you to have your left ear pierced alone for one night. But then the other part of me thought might as well get it over with now.
Zairah, again, daddy is sorry. You calmed down and then it was time for the right ear to experience it's fate. You're real smart tho so once I sat you on my lap and the lady got close to your ear you knew what it was and I swear if you could, you would have jumped out of my lap and ran straight out the door. I held you down as well as I could and Pop!! The second one was done. You cried even louder than the first time. And I could tell by your crying that this cry was more than sudden and surprising pain. This cry was "Daddy I can't believe that you could put me through this twice" I vowed in that moment never to do anything like that unless you yourself told me you wanted to do it.
When we finally got out the fresh air was a relief and you stopped crying. I must have apologized to you about 95 time in the matter of 10 minutes. I'm telling you, if you could talk you wouldn't talk to me. You barely looked at me from your stroller as I wheeled you back to the car. When we got to the corner mommy called me and asked where we were. I told her that we went for a walk and that we would be back home in 15 minutes.
We got home and she was on the phone with aunt Claudia. She didn't realize that your ears were pierced yet as I laid you down next to her. Finally after about 3.5 minutes she noticed and yelled out "YOU PIERCED HER EARS" and I thought to myself "Score! Mommy's proud that I made this move for the baby." I said "Yes" and she said to Claudia "Let me call you back"She started crying but not the "I'm so happy this is a beautiful moment" crying it was an "I'm so upset with you, I'm never gonna talk to you again" cry.I couldn't understand what the hell was going on. I finally got her to speak and she tells me that she wanted to be there for you when you got your ears pierced. And would you look at that. I'm such an idiot I made both my girls cry in one afternoon. I was disappointed in myself and then REALLY vowed never to do something like this again.
I was happy that I had pierced your ears but I didn't realize that I had robbed mommy of experiencing a first moment with you.
All in all I guess it wasn't the greatest day. I handed out about 250 Unaccepted apologies between you and mommy!! Again baby, I'm sorry daddy thought he was doing a good thing. Will this be the last time he messes up? No not by a long shot. But he's gonna try his hardest not to. I love you and it's been a week now. You forgot about the Fordham fiasco by the time we got home that day. You were talking to me again too. So I guess we good. Lol.
I'm telling you this story so that you know that you experienced pain in my presence but not harm. And regardless of anything daddy will always be here by your side through any and all pain and I will still continue to try my hardest to keep you from all harm.
Beside you look amazing in your little earrings. I can't wait to buy you a diamond pair for you to stunt on all the other babies in the building. Lol.
Love you baby.
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